Historic Newton - Mary Baker Eddy Historic House Tours


Make your reservations here for the May 19 Historic Newton tour of the gracious main house on this property. Note: Tours of the historic carriage house on the property are included with the Historic Newton ticket.


400 Beacon Street Chestnut Hill, MA

Date & Time

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024: Guided tours will be offered every 20 minutes, from 12 noon to 4:40 p.m. Each tour lasts approximately 45 minutes. **There is a limit of 12 people per tour.


About this house and Mary Baker Eddy

This 18,000-square-foot house was the final home of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science. More than a private residence, it served as the executive headquarters of the Christian Science movement from 1908 to 1910. As such, it was home to approximately 20 men and women who worked alongside Mrs. Eddy.

The original house was built in 1880 and purchased for Mrs. Eddy in 1907. After her passing, the house was willed to her church, which opened it for tours as early as 1930. In 2006, the house was purchased by Longyear Museum.

The house has recently undergone a top-to-bottom, historically accurate exterior and interior restoration, including updating of systems and creation of a new exhibit space. The finished product is a colorful, gracious home that looks very much like the one Mary Baker Eddy lived in from 1908 to 1910.

The tour will include the public rooms on the first floor, Mary Baker Eddy’s suite on the second floor (including her study, where she established The Christian Science Monitor newspaper), several staff rooms, and the kitchen and laundry room.

Tickets for the May 19, 2024,  Mary Baker Eddy Historic House tours are $10 and should be purchased in advance on this site. Tours start at 12 noon; will be offered every 20 minutes; and have a capacity of 12 people per tour. 

Note: Tours of the historic carriage house on the property are included with the Historic Newton ticket.

We request that you not take photos inside the house; you may, however, take photos on the grounds and of the outside of the house. 

Longyear occasionally documents visits to its properties through still and video images, which may be used for information and promotional purposes.

For questions, please call us at 617-278-9000 or email [email protected].
